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Holograms are Ready for Business

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New Trend: AI Holograms are at the next level of engagement

Holograms seem like an innovation only found in science fiction. It portrays the illusion of someone being present, only for the real person to be somewhere else. In reality, there are actual holograms that create 3D images using light to perceive the images of something or someone actually present. They are most often used to attract attention and create amazement. There are at least five types of holograms.

The earliest and most common holographic technique is named after its inventor, John Henry Pepper. He popularized the illusion in the 19th century. It creates a ghostly image by reflecting a hidden object onto a piece of transparent material like glass or plexiglass at an angle. The audience sees the reflected image of an object off-stage so that it appears in front of the audience onstage. 

A more modern holographic technique than Pepper’s Ghost. It uses a special screen material called a holoscrim to create large-scale holographic displays. Holoscrim is a highly transparent and reflective material that stretches across a frame and projects its images onto it. To the audience, it’s a floating image viewed from multiple angles. It’s most commonly used in concerts, product launches, and trade shows to create an immersive experience. 

A new holographic display technology that uses a box-like structure with a transparent screen to project 3D images. The images appear inside the box while creating a captivating image experience. It’s often used in retail settings to showcase products and engage with their audience. It projects its image from a live camera feed or specially captured video  to create a volumetric presence when displayed in the box. It only works vertically, but multiple Proto boxes can be used to create a large horizontal display. The live camera feed is often off-stage, often remote, and can be combined with a two-way camera system so the subject in the Proto box can engage with the audience. 

Recently, the Looking Glass Factory has used its technology to create devices allowing viewing and interaction with 3D objects through a holographic display. Their screens use a lenticular lens system, which consists of an array of magnifying lenses that direct light in different directions. This allows multiple perspectives of a 3D object to be seen at once, creating a sense of depth and dimension. Its displays are not life-sized, but have a 65” display. Unlike the Proto Box, they only work horizontally. 

Holofans are a type of holographic display that uses LED fan technology to create 3D images. The fan spins at high speed, and the LED lights on the blades create images that appear as floating holograms since the blades disappear as they spin. This technique is popular for advertising and promotional events because of its portability. It’s also easy to set up. They can be placed together to create a wall effect. The user doesn’t see the holographic objects as 3D objects in space since it’s a flat image for anyone to walk through. They could appear as 3D objects in space, but only if they’re animated.

Holograms can only go so far as to create the  illusion of being present in a completely different situation. AI holograms have the possibility of connecting others from any place in the world. They create virtual meetings and conferences that are far more realistic and engaging than anything seen before. They are also used for personal communication as a way for long distance family and friends to stay connected. They’re designed to mimic real-life objects or individuals, giving them a lifelike presence and the ability to interact with their environment. They offer plenty more benefits than any other hologram might give. 

New Insight: Business can benefit from using AI Holograms 

AI holograms have a wide range of applications in communications, training, and entertainment. They offer immersive experiences and realistic simulations. These holograms can be viewed without the need for special glasses or equipment, which makes them easily accessible for various applications. They enhance communication and collaboration in business settings. Companies utilize holographic technology to conduct virtual meetings, presentations, and interactive training sessions. It allows for a more engaging and immersive experience for participants. 

Recently, more companies have used AI to create innovative holograms. ProtoBot is a developer of holographic communications platform who created their first conversational AI avatar, which is now available on all Proto hologram units. It listens to any given questions or prompts and generates a spoken response using ProtoGPT technology. They hope to use AI holograms to help generate ideas during brainstorming sessions or day-to-day work queries. According to Proto CEO David Nussbaum, he states, “I’m starting to see CEOs and executives of other companies asking ProtoBot, ‘I’m going to run a sales meeting now. Can you give me three points that should definitely touch on when it comes to the revenues going up and competition coming into the market?’” Proto has been working on hologram technology since 2018. It already has people beaming in from any place at any time with a Proto unit or product. 

Another innovative hologram to use AI technology is the Hologram Concierge. It’s a cutting edge AI hologram that blends the physical and digital realms to reshape brand-consumer relationships. It uses the latest advancements in AI, augmented reality (AR), e-commerce, and smartphone technology to bring a ground-breaking solution to unlock novel communication directly through product packaging. It allows consumers to scan product packaging with their smartphones, activating a lifelike 3D holographic assistant who provides detailed information about the brand and products. It dynamically moves and gestures to create a realistic and engaging experience. 

These holograms have revolutionized several companies as they allow for interactions between customers and employees. During professional meetings or presentations, AI holograms can be used to enhance communication and engagement. Instead of traditional slideshows or videos, these businesses can utilize 3D holographic presentations to provide a more immersive and interactive experience. This technology applies to customer service as well by acting as virtual assistants to guide customers through product catalogs and answer any questions. 

New Action: You can apply AI Holograms

Holograms are more than a fictional device. It’s a common innovation used today to connect people together. 

  • Businesses use them to connect with their employees and audiences. It has developed more in recent years to incorporate AI to offer more engagement and accessibility. 

  • There are different AI holograms that could help manage various tasks, applications, and other responsibilities. 

  • If you need to find better ways to communicate with your employees or co-workers, perhaps you should try using an AI hologram. 

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?  We can help you evaluate the market and determine the best next steps.  If you are interested, N³ Innovation can help you! Contact us today!

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